
Main interface


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Getting started - Adding your first category and subscription

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Add your first category and subscription
  • Assigning channel to a category and unassigning them

It is recommended to use a desktop for this step-by-step tutorial.

  1. When you first start using Tubiee, press the button in the middle. It will take you to the subscription page.

  2. Tap the plus icon next to "Category" to create your first category.

  3. Type in a category name you want, for this tutorial you can type in "Earth", wait for it to finish.

  4. When it's done, tap the plus icon next to "Subscriptions".

  5. Go to in a new tab, search for Discovery and visit the channel home page.

    You can use this link to follow along:
  6. You can now either copy the channel page link and paste it in the "Subscription" field, or just type in the handle after the @ symbol, in this case: Discovery.

  7. Now you can see an uncategorised subscription in your list. To add a channel into a category, first select the category you want. Then, tap the Discovery channel we've just added.

  8. That's it! Discovery channel is now in the "Earth" category. You can now tap the top left menu button and select "Latest" to start enjoy Tubiee.

  9. Tips:

    To unassign a channel, all you need to do is to tap on the channel with the category selected.

    If you want to change a subscription's category, you can tap on a different category, then tap on the channel you want to reassign.


How to install Tubiee as Web App on my phone?

For Android and desktop:

  1. 1. Open the page
    2. Tap the "Share" icon and choose "Add to Home Screen".

For iOS:

Use Safari to perform the above steps.

Sometimes the video doesn't play or keep flickering, how to fix it?

It is usually caused by third-party extensions. If you have enabled Unhook extension or something similar, try disabling it. Some adblockers work fine, while others don't.

Still having trouble?

You can contact us via email at